SILVER (Comprehensive Child & Family Support:For Lynnette
Price: $385 a month
The Roof of Africa's Silver sponsorship merges the foundational benefits of the Platinum tier with comprehensive support for the child's family.
The Silver tier includes:
All the Platinum tier benefits.
Essential medical support.
Vital food parcels for sustenance.
Household essentials such as beds, mattresses, and mosquito nets.
Assistance with housing costs.
Access to professional services, like social worker consultations.
By choosing Silver, you're investing in both a child's education and their holistic well-being. Note: We may redirect your sponsorship to a child other than the one you initially chose, but our welcome package will provide detailed information about the beneficiary.
Lynnette resides with her parents in a single rented room, where every day is a challenge as they grapple with providing food and paying rent. Our school has become Lynnette's haven—a beacon of hope where she can pursue an education, savor wholesome meals, and find a place of belonging. By choosing to sponsor Lynnette, you're not merely offering assistance; you're becoming a part of her journey. Your generosity is more than just support—it's a lifeline, providing Lynnette and her family the chance to rise above their circumstances and break the chains of poverty.